SDG 5 : Gender Equality
Promoting Gender Equality: Legal, Cultural, and Economic Dimensions
Student Access Measures
"Making Higher Education Open to All"
Universitas Terbuka (UT) is committed to ensuring that access to quality education is universally attainable, transcending barriers of gender or background. As an Open University, UT champions inclusivity and equality by fostering a recruitment process free from discrimination. Upholding a mission of openness, UT welcomes all prospective students without entrance exams, affirming its core belief that education should be accessible to everyone. UT upholds a commitment to equality in its recruitment process, ensuring fair access to all applicants without discrimination based on gender. This approach is consistently applied across all departments and programs, reflecting our dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic environment. Notably, this inclusive approach has coincided with a steady increase in female enrollment in recent years, underscoring UT’s role in advancing gender equality in higher education.

Women's Progress Measure
"Empowerment, Not Exclusion"
The Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (Satgas PPKS) of the Universitas Terbuka participated in a capacity-building training for the task force for the prevention and handling of sexual violence in Region II Universities (western Java and Kalimantan) at the Indonesian Talent Development Center, Puspresnas Kemendikbudristek, Jakarta.
At UT, gender discrimination is strictly prohibited, with particular emphasis on preventing bias against women. This commitment is enforced through specific policies, including Regulation No. 5 of 2024 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in the Open University Environment, UT Rector's Decree Number 1661 Of 2024 concerning the Task Force for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in the Open University Environment in 2022 - 2025; Regulation No. 1173 of 2022 concerning UT PTNBH Personnel Management. To further support this commitment, the PPKS Taskforce provides a safe and empowering environment for female students and staff. The PPKS Taskforce set up workshops and training for team members to increase their capacity to prevent and handle sexual harassment in UT. UT’s dedication to gender equity is evident in its ongoing documentation of female graduate numbers.
Women’s Progress Measure
Childcare Facilities
"Learn and Grow Hub"
Women often face challenges balancing family responsibilities as wives and mothers while pursuing their careers with dedication. Universitas Terbuka (UT) recognizes and supports the needs of female employees who are navigating this balance. To help working mothers, UT offers comprehensive educational services ranging from childcare to high school on our Main Campus. Our childcare facility provides daycare and kindergarten for children aged three months to seven years, open to staff, students, and the public. Staffed by qualified early childhood educators and aligned with national standards, this nurturing environment empowers parents to pursue their careers and studies with peace of mind.
In addition, the Universitas Terbuka Foundation (Dharma Karya) operates elementary, middle, and high schools, all accredited with an "A" rating, ensuring a seamless, high-quality education for children as they grow. Our childcare facilities include a comfortable playground, bedrooms, classrooms, and bathrooms, creating a welcoming space for children to learn, play, and rest. Through these services, UT is committed to fostering a family-friendly environment supporting career advancement and family life.
Woman’s Progress Measures
"Maternity and Paternity Policy"
UT has established supportive maternity and paternity leave policies to enhance women's participation and promote family well-being. These policies are detailed in Circular Letters No. 15316 concerning Provisions on Staff Leave in Universitas Terbuka dated May 2, 2017, emphasize our commitment to family-friendly policies, permitting women to take maternity, grants maternity leave entitlements: one month before and two months following childbirth. In 2023, although our regulations do not specify paternity leave, male employees are eligible for urgent leave to support their families, including caring for their spouses and newborns.
Women’s Mentoring Scheme
Furthermore, the PPKS (Anti-Sexual Violence) Taskforce set up socialization for new students in a new student orientation program (OSMB) mainly attended by female students. The socialization gave an understanding of sexual violence and the procedures for reporting such cases to female students.

Proportion of senior female academics
Out of a total of 28,385 academic staff members, 211 hold senior academic positions. Of these senior roles, 107 are occupied by women, making up a substantial proportion of senior female academic leadership. This data reflects the progress and representation of female academics at the senior level, highlighting the commitment to gender diversity and equity in educational leadership.
Proportion of women receiving degrees
In 2023, 77,857 students graduated, with graduates represented across various subject areas. Of these, 1,185 earned degrees in STEM fields, including 686 female graduates, reflecting the growing presence of women in these disciplines. Most graduates, 54,508, completed social sciences, arts, and humanities degrees, with 8,875 female graduates. This data underscores the diversity of academic pursuits and the progress in female representation across disciplines.
Proportion of first-generation female students
In 2023, 525,419 students were enrolled; among these students, 5,605 were first-generation students. Notably, 4,253 of these first-generation students are women. This data demonstrates the significant representation of women, including those who are the first in their families to pursue higher education. This data highlights ongoing efforts to support diverse student demographics and promote access to education.