Supporting land ecosystems through education
a. Events about the sustainable use of land
One tangible evidence of Universitas Terbuka's commitment to supporting the terrestrial ecosystem is through community service activities that specifically target fostered villages. UT strives to improve the quality of life of rural communities, including providing education on the importance of preserving the environment. One of the five fostered villages that is interesting to convey is Ciwaluh Village in Bogor Regency. Based on the needs analysis, various trainings were held in Indonesian and English, such as tourism management training for the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) and tour guide training, especially communication ethics. Also, several facilities such as footpaths to the location, information centers, tour guide equipment, and tourism equipment were held. Likewise, training for teachers, students, and the community on the importance of sustainability and tourism potential in the village is also needed. Through education in marketing UMKM products, typical village drinks, namely Ciwaluh coffee, cardamom tea, rengginang snacks, and banana chips, have also become commodities worth being relied on.

b. Maintain and extend current ecosystems
Since 2010, UT has realized the importance of participating in overcoming environmental problems by launching the slogan UT Go Green. Many programs have been implemented at UT Center and UT Regions, including planting rare trees around the campus, building artificial lakes, making bio pores, and developing eco-buildings.

Supporting land ecosystems through action
a. Collaboration for shared land ecosystems
Universitas Terbuka routinely carries out community service programs involving lecturers, students, and the community in activities that focus on environmental conservation, such as tree planting, river cleaning, and waste management. One of them was carried out by UT Banjarmasin staff and students in planting 150 rambai trees on November 8, 2023 on Curiak Island, Anjir Serapat Muara Village, Anjir Muara District, Barito Kuala Regency (Batola).

Land sensitive waste disposal
a. Water discharge guidelines and
Universitas Terbuka manages a laundry business unit that focuses on providing laundry services and prioritizes a commitment to environmental sustainability. One of the concrete efforts made is the management of wastewater generated from laundry activities. The wastewater is optimally processed to maintain water resources' sustainability and support the surrounding environment's hydrological function. The treated wastewater is then reused to fill the fish pond. The presence of fish in the pond indicates that the treated water meets quality standards and health requirements. In addition, Universitas Terbuka ensures the pond water quality continuously through periodic laboratory testing.

b. Policy on plastic waste
UT is committed to contributing to the implementation of plastic waste reduction policies in the campus environment. This is in line with the Green Campus concept promoted by UT. Through a circular letter number B/4326/UN31.WR2/RT.02/2023, dated September 26, 2023, addressed the academic community. UT has officially established a policy to limit the use of paper and plastic in the campus environment. Reducing paper and plastic waste in the UT environment by minimizing the use of disposable packaging in food/drink offerings and encouraging the use of drinking water containers/bottles (tumblers) and drink containers (pitchers) to the entire academic community as a substitute for bottled mineral water (bottles and glasses) in all UT activities.