The Proportion of Students Receiving Financial Aid to Attend University Because of Poverty

UT collaborates with various partners to provide scholarships distributed to the broader community that meets the criteria. 23,375 students receive scholarships, with UT managing scholarship funds exceeding 44 billion Rupiah—however, only 9,337 students received scholarships for low-income students. The rest are working students who receive scholarships from the institutions where they work.

University Anti-poverty Programs
Universitas Terbuka is strongly committed to expanding access to higher education for all segments of society, especially those from lower-income groups. This target demonstrates Universitas Terbuka's dedication to providing equal educational opportunities for all citizens, without exception, to reduce the gap in educational access among low-income communities. We are consistently working to tighten this target to reach more students from underprivileged economic backgrounds, thereby supporting the goal of inclusive education at the national level.
UT has a target to admit students from economically disadvantaged families, which aligns with Universitas Terbuka's statute as stated in Government Regulation No. 39 of 2022, Article 19, paragraph 3, as noted below.
UT must seek and recruit prospective students with high academic potential who are economically disadvantaged and prospective students from the outermost, remote, and underdeveloped areas, making up at least 20% of all new students accepted across all study programs.
While UT does not explicitly set a target for students from low-income families to complete their studies, it supports these students by providing scholarship programs. UT offers scholarships that cover up to 8 semesters through the KIP-K Program and CSR Scholarships. This approach guarantees that students from low-income families receive continuous financial support, enabling them to complete their education successfully.
Universitas Terbuka is deeply committed to providing comprehensive support to students, with a strong focus on helping them overcome challenges that might otherwise hinder their ability to complete their studies successfully. We continuously evaluate and expand these programs to adapt to student's needs and are proud to foster a supportive and equitable academic environment for all.
Through the KIP K scholarship program distributed by Universitas Terbuka, low-income scholarship recipients receive monthly living allowances, which can be used to purchase food, cover transportation costs, and pay for housing, among other expenses. This living stipend ensures that students from low-income families can complete their studies.

UT Students who received scholarships activated their bank account for a living stipend.
Universitas Terbuka is committed to helping those in our communities who may not have access to traditional higher education, including students from households in the lowest 20% income bracket. Our mission is to make higher education accessible and inclusive, providing flexible learning options that support individuals who face financial or logistical barriers to attending conventional universities. Through this approach, we strive to create educational opportunities for all, regardless of their economic or geographical limitations.

UT manages the Kartu Indonesia Pintar scholarship, a scholarship program from the Indonesian government for low-income students. In 2023, the number of recipients of this scholarship reached 2.591 students. UT also distributes scholarships funded by CSR contributions from UT partners, which are allocated to low-income students, with a total recipient of 2023 of 2.007 students. UT also distributed scholarships from the local government for students from low-income families, with a total recipient of 2.352 students. As proof, UT Regional Offices has announced the admission of prospective new students for the 2023 KIP-K Scholarship Program and CSR Scholarship Program
UT Majene conducts a selection process for prospective new students who will become recipients of the KIP-K scholarship
MAMUJU, - Universitas Terbuka (UT) Majene melaksanakan seleksi penerima beasiswa Kartu Indonesia Pintar- Kuliah (KIP-K) di SDN 2 Pasangkayu.
Through the ICE Institute, Universitas Terbuka offers scholarships to students from Myanmar, allowing them to take online micro-credential courses free of charge to enhance their competencies. The programs include Global Linguistics and Communication, Public Sector Leadership and Governance, Legal Frameworks, and Cultural Norms in Indonesia.
Welcome to the ICE Institute Micro-credentials Programs for EU Mobility Program for Myanmar (EMPM). In this exciting initiative, we aim to empower individuals from Myanmar with specialized skills and knowledge. Our micro-credentials programs are designed to provide targeted, flexible, and practical learning experiences, equipping participants with the tools they need to excel in a rapidly evolving global landscape. Join us on a growth, innovation, and international mobility journey through education and opportunity. Explore our programs and embark on a transformative learning adventure together.
Community Anti-poverty Programs
Universitas Terbuka, as an educational institution, is committed to community empowerment. Provides to support to local communities to foster development usaha/bisnis yang berkelanjutan. Through programs designed under community service initiatives, Universitas Terbuka focuses on developing relevant entrepreneurial skills that align with local needs. Some of these activities include "Mentoring Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Dalam Bisnis Digital Printing: “Bara Digital Printing,” "Peningkatan Kemampuan Menghitung BEP dan Pemasaran Melalui E-Commerce pada Usaha” Aprilla Puding and Cake,” "Peningkatan Kualitas & Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Kelompok Tani Kopi Silih Asih, Bogor."
One of the Community Service (PkM) activities conducted by LPPM-UT in 2023 was the Village Development Program. This program was implemented in five villages: (1) Kampung Ciwaluh, Wates Jaya Village, Cigombong Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, (2) Tegal Village, Kemang Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, (3) Situ Udik Village, Cibungbulan Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, (4) Tonjong Village, Tajurhalang Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, and (5) Muara Village, Teluk Naga Subdistrict, Tangerang Regency.
Universitas Terbuka (UT) is committed to supporting the local community through funding through the lecturers' one-year community service program. Such financing is provided by the Institute of Research and Community Service UT, and the selected proposal proposed by UT's lecturer will be funded for approximately 20 million IDR (1500 USD). The service conducted for start-ups or local small and medium enterprises includes supporting financial and specific skill-set training to sustainably increase the business's potential.
Several topics include Improving the Ability to Calculate BEP (break-even point) and Marketing Through E-Commerce, Practices of Accounting Fraud Prevention in the Management of Village-Owned Business Units, Improving the Promotion of the Jaya Laksana BUMDes Coffee Business Through the Utilization of social media, Marketing and Innovation of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprise Products, Entrepreneurship Strategy Training for Scholarship Students. Additionally, UT regularly organizes Senmaster as a platform to showcase the results of its Community Service Programs, including products from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) supported by Universitas Terbuka
Senmaster UT 2023 serves as a platform to showcase the achievements of SMEs fostered by Universitas Terbuka - Dosen Universitas Terbuka (UT) menggelar pengabdian masyarakat dengan sasaran meningkatkan kapasitas Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Limo, Depok, Jawa Barat pada Februari hingga November 2023.