SDG 14 : Life Below Water
Collaboration for Enhancing Human Resource Competence in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems

Universitas Terbuka Palembang collaborates with the Palembang Center for Public Waters Fisheries Research and Fisheries Extension to improve human resources' competence in fisheries. The program aims to provide education and training related to sustainable aquatic and fisheries management. Through this initiative, the Universitas Terbuka helps build local capacity in responsible fisheries management practices, supports the conservation of marine ecosystems, and positively impacts surrounding communities.
- Visiting Lecturer - Biological Invasion in Marine Environment

To improve insight and develop knowledge of the academic community at the Universitas Terbuka's Faculty of Science and Technology. The Agribusiness Study Program and the Biology Study Program collaborate in organizing visiting lecturer activities. The visiting lecturer activity was held online on Thursday, December 14, 2023 (zoom and YouTube). The theme of the visiting lecturer is Biological Invasion in Marine Environment.
Guest Lecture - Trends in Processed Fisheries Products and Markets Towards Indonesia Golden 2045

Universitas Terbuka is committed to raising awareness of sustainable fisheries management practices by organizing a public lecture titled “Tren Produk Olahan dan Pasar Perikanan Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045.” In this lecture, the potential of the fisheries sector as a high-value food source for Indonesia's future and the importance of technological innovation in the processing and utilization of environmentally friendly fishery products were presented. This initiative is designed to support food security and sustainable economic growth, in line with national development goals, while providing education for the wider community, academics, and stakeholders regarding good and sustainable fisheries practices.
- Webinar - The Role of Fisheries Monitoring in National Fisheries Governance

Universitas Terbuka organized a webinar entitled “Peran Pengawasan Perikanan dalam Tata Kelola Perikanan Nasional,” which presented the Director of Marine Resources and Fisheries Management Monitoring from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries as the main speaker. This webinar focuses on the importance of adequate supervision in fisheries governance to support the sustainability of the national fisheries sector. Through this activity, UT strengthens its role in supporting public education and understanding of responsible fisheries resource management. This initiative aligns with UT's commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in Indonesia's marine ecosystem conservation and sustainable fisheries management.