As a university committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Universitas Terbuka (UT) continues strengthening its contribution through active participation in international forums and developing inclusive, digital, and sustainable higher education policies. UT leaders and experts are consistently invited to speak in various global forums attended by education policymakers worldwide. UT's involvement in this international forum strengthens UT's role as an institution committed to developing SDG policies. With active participation in global discussions on digital transformation and sustainability, UT encourages the creation of inclusive, adaptive, and sustainable higher education. UT's initiative shows its determination to continue to innovate and expand access to higher education for the wider community, which aligns with global efforts towards achieving the SDGs.
The following is a summary of important activities that highlight UT's involvement in supporting the achievement of the SDGs in the education sector:
On May 10–12, 2023, Prof. Paulina Pannen from UT was invited as one of the panelists at the Regional Higher Education Forum organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi. In the session "Online Higher Education and Using Digital Transformation for New Ways of Learning," Prof. Paulina discussed the importance of online education in learning transformation and increasing access to higher education through digital technology.
2. 10th ADB INTERNATIONAL SKILLS FORUM : A New Era of Digitalized and Climate Resilient Human and Social Development
The forum is ADB's flagship event in the education sector, which brings together more than 100 government officials and global education experts from more than 30 countries. Prof. Ojat Darojat, Rector of UT, spoke in the session "Roundtable of University Presidents/Leaders: Rethinking the Future of Higher Education," where he discussed the future of higher education that is more responsive to change. Meanwhile, Prof. Paulina Pannen raised the topic "Adopting Tech-inclusive Approaches to Learning Quality, Assessment, and Reforms to Scale-up Education Access," highlighting the need for a technology-based approach to expand access and quality of education in the digital era.

3. Times Higher Education Digital Universities Asia 2023 :Discussion panel on "Upskilling Students for the Workforce"
On July 1-3, 2023, Prof. Paulina Pannen was a speaker at the Digital Universities Asia 2023 event held by Times Higher Education. He spoke on "Upskilling Students for the Workforce: Harnessing Microcredentials for More Flexible Pathways," outlining how microcredentials can be a flexible pathway that prepares students for the challenges of the workforce.
4. UNESCO-ICHEI Digital Learning Week 2023 : Parallel Panel on Digital Learning Platforms
Prof. Paulina Pannen was also invited to the Digital Learning Week 2023, organized by UNESCO-ICHEI. As an expert on digital learning platforms, he shared best practices in using public learning platforms to support more inclusive and affordable education in the digital era. This discussion brings together partners worldwide to promote innovation in online learning.
5. Acer Edu Summit 2023 : Education Outlook 2023
Prof. Tian Belawati, former Rector of UT, was invited as a speaker at the Acer Edu Summit 2023 with the theme "Sustainability of Digital Transformation in Indonesia's Education Landscape." In this conference, Prof. Tian provided insight into the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in Indonesia and the importance of technology in supporting sustainable education.
6. Acer Edu Tech 2023 :Discussion Panel on the Challenges of Digital Literacy and Technology Utilization
In Acer Edu Tech 2023, Prof. Tian Belawati also delivered material on "Challenges in Implementing Digital Literacy for Future Education." He shared insights on how a modern and inclusive education ecosystem can be formed with digital technology, supporting UT in implementing digital literacy and encouraging innovation in learning.

7. Visit UGM, ADB Team, and Ministry of Education and Culture to See Research Facilities and Products
Prof. Paulina Pannen, as the Program Manager of PRIME STeP, played a key role in the development and implementation of this program, which involved collaboration between the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), as well as leading universities in Indonesia, including Gadjah Mada University (UGM). During the visit, he led a discussion on the extent to which the program has been implemented and the challenges faced and aimed to deepen understanding related to the impact and development of the project. Prof. Paulina Pannen's role is crucial in maintaining the smooth implementation of the program, encouraging effective communication between various stakeholders, and ensuring that the main objectives of the PRIME STeP program — namely the downstream development of research and innovation and the establishment of a competitive science and technology ecosystem — can be well achieved.

Universitas Terbuka (UT) plays an active role in initiating and participating in cross-sectoral dialogue, primarily to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of UT's efforts is to organize international conferences involving governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academics from various countries to discuss collaborative solutions to issues related to the SDGs.
At the 6th isbest-to-ut-support-development-green-and-blue economy/ held on September 20, 2023, UT raised the theme "Entrepreneurial Resilience: Key to The Green-Blue Economy Ecosystem." The conference focused on the concept of a green and blue economy, which aims to promote sustainable development through the responsible use of natural resources and managing marine resources with sustainability principles. The event was attended by government officials such as the Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs and international academics from the University Malaya and Gachon University. With 74 papers presented and the participation of more than 300 participants, ISBEST became a cross-sectoral dialogue platform that discussed challenges and opportunities in realizing a green and blue economy ecosystem.

In addition, UT, through the Faculty of Science and Technology, also held The 3rd International Seminar of Science and Technology (ISST) on October 19, 2023, with the theme "Trends in Science and Technology for Sustainable Living." This seminar invited national figures such as the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, and academics from various world-renowned institutions. This seminar highlights technology trends and innovations that can support sustainable living. UT also launched the book "Trends in Science and Technology for Sustainable Living," which contains 20 academic articles on scientific solutions to global challenges.
These two conferences show that UT is committed to actively participating in cross-sectoral dialogue, inviting the government, NGOs, and various parties to work together to achieve the SDGs.
Universitas Terbuka (UT) actively participates in international collaborations to collect and measure data related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One tangible form of such participation is UT's involvement in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. This global initiative focuses on measuring the commitment of universities around the world to sustainable environmental management.
UI GreenMetric is a ranking system developed by the University of Indonesia (UI) and is known internationally as the first university ranking based on a commitment to environmental sustainability. Through this collaboration, UT contributes to collecting data on six key indicators: infrastructure management, energy and climate change, waste management, water use, transportation, and education and research related to sustainability.
In 2023, UT managed to improve its ranking in UI GreenMetric. Universitas Terbuka obtained the position of 46th World's Most Sustainable University in Indonesia and 513th World's Most Sustainable University globally, a significant increase from the previous ranking. This award emphasizes UT's role in advancing campus environmental management and its commitment to achieving the SDGs targets.
UT's participation in UI GreenMetric strengthens international collaboration and demonstrates UT's seriousness in measuring and improving sustainability practices, which directly contributes to global data collection related to the SDGs. Evidence of this involvement can be found in articles and publications that reflect UT's achievements in the UI GreenMetric ranking.

Universitas Terbuka (UT) actively develops international best practices in addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through research collaborations with various global institutions. One tangible proof of this effort is UT's participation in the AAOU Staff Exchange Fellowship 2023 program, an initiative of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU). This program was implemented again after being stopped for three years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In this series of activities, UT welcomed an international researcher, Dr. Muhammad Ajmal Chaudry from Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), Pakistan, who conducted research with UT on "Feasibility of Blockchain Technology for Open Distance Learning at Universitas Terbuka." This research is a collaboration with Dr. Adhi Susilo, M.Biotech from the Faculty of Science and Technology UT, and lasted for two weeks in August 2023.

This collaboration aims to explore the application of blockchain technology in distance education, an innovative approach that has great potential to support the achievement of the SDGs in the field of quality and inclusive education. Through this activity, the two universities exchanged experiences, approaches, and best practices that can be applied internationally.
The program broadens the researchers' horizons and helps UT adopt a comparative approach to developing sustainable solutions for distance education. The positive impact of this collaboration strengthens UT's role in international research that contributes to the SDGs and demonstrates how cross-country collaboration can foster innovation and best practices in the management of technology-based education.
Universitas Terbuka is very committed to integrating the SDGs into academic policy. UT ensures that all students are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills that can be applied to address global challenges. This commitment is reflected in the curriculum of the study program, which has combined the SDGs agenda in various disciplines through the curriculum of the study program.
One of the core courses that every student must take is Learning in the Digital Era. This course contains concepts, theories, and practical knowledge related to the development of higher education in the 21st century, especially regarding lifelong learning and basic literacy skills. In the context of learning in the digital era, open education is very relevant because it is based on the culture of knowledge sharing, which is society's culture in the digital era.

For example, the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program addresses sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), while the Tourism Study Program emphasizes responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and sustainable tourism practices. The Development Economics Study Program and the Law Study Program integrate SDG goals that focus on reducing disparities (SDG 10) and ensuring peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16). In our Food Technology, Agribusiness, and Biology Education programs, students explore themes related to zero hunger (SDG 2), life underwater (SDG 14), and life on land (SDG 15), with a focus on sustainable agriculture, food security, and biodiversity conservation. Through this multidisciplinary approach, we ensure that the SDGs' principles are theoretical, actionable, and applicable to various fields of study, preparing our students to become agents of change in their respective sectors.
UT is strongly committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by integrating education on sustainability throughout its academic activities and curriculum. Through various programs and seminars involving students and the academic community, UT strives to build awareness of the importance of maintaining ecological, social, and economic balance for a sustainable future
UT shows its commitment to providing education about the SDGs to students by holding an international seminar themed "Trends in Science and Technology for Sustainable Living." This seminar invited national figures, such as the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, to share their views on sustainability. Through this activity, UT educates students about the importance of science and technology in achieving SDG goals and encourages them to build a sustainable future actively.
In addition, UT also offers courses that support the achievement of sustainable global goals. This course is designed for students to understand and engage in sustainability efforts so that they not only gain knowledge but also practical insights to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in society.
UT has integrated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into every course offered as a university whose main mandate is to educate the nation's life. This aims to ensure that UT graduates have academic knowledge, awareness, and skills to support the achievement of the SDGs. The SDGs covered in the courses offered cover various topics that contribute to the achievement of global goals, such as:
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities – Promote social, economic, and political inclusion for all people, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or other economic status, to reduce inequality.
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - Supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, workforce productivity, and creating decent jobs for all.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - Develop sustainable infrastructure, encourage inclusive industrialization, and advance innovation to support the economy and people's welfare.
SDG 1: No Poverty – End poverty in all its forms worldwide, ensuring everyone has access to essential resources such as food, water, and shelter.
SDG 4: Quality Education - Provide inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities so everyone can contribute to society.
SDG 2: Zero Hunger - End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and support sustainable agriculture for global prosperity.
SDG 5: Gender Equality - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls through the eradication of gender-based discrimination and violence.
By integrating the SDGs into the curriculum, UT is committed to producing graduates who are competent in their fields and agents of change who support the achievement of sustainable development goals for the nation's and the world's progress.
As a university that implements an open and distance system, UT has a mission to provide access to quality higher education for all levels of Indonesian society, including migrant workers abroad. With an online and flexible learning model, UT is committed to meeting the educational needs of Indonesian migrant workers spread across various countries.
Through a distance learning approach, UT allows migrant workers with limited time and access to continue their higher education without leaving their jobs. The program is supported by a learning system accessible anytime and anywhere, allowing them to learn according to their free time and work constraints.
In addition, UT also collaborates with various agencies and communities of migrant workers in destination countries to provide information and administrative and academic support. For example, UT holds community learning centers and seminars for Indonesian migrant workers, which aim to make it easier for them to follow the learning process and obtain information related to the study programs offered.
Through technology support and a commitment to creating inclusivity in education, UT provides opportunities for migrant workers to develop their potential and improve the quality of life for them and their families in the country. By obtaining higher education, it is hoped that they can have better skills for career advancement abroad and when returning to Indonesia.
This role is part of UT's contribution to supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in quality education, reducing inequality, and empowering people wherever they are. UT is committed to expanding the reach and quality of its services so that higher education is accessible to all Indonesian citizens, including those abroad.
The cooperation carried out by UT is with the industry, one of which UT collaborates with PT. Kukuh Mandiri Lestari (PIK 2) on April 17, 2023 to carry out Community Service (PkM) activities.
On this occasion, the Rector of UT, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., said that UT has an advantage in the world of higher education, namely, UT is designed by the government to provide access to higher education to the entire community through distance learning. He added that UT currently reaches around 440 thousand active students across 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia. He stated that the collaboration could positively impact access to higher education for the community and employees within PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari (PIK 2), located in Teluknaga and Kosambi Districts. He also hopes that Teluknaga District, a UT-assisted village in its community service program, can be accelerated in higher education.
President Director of PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari (PIK 2) Lieutenant General TNI (Mar) (Ret.) Dr. Nono Sampono, S.Pi., M.Si., also expressed his appreciation for the excellent cooperation established by the two parties. UT and property companies (PT Kukuh Mandiri Lestari – PIK 2) have the same responsibility regarding community service. He felt that his party had an obligation to empower the community, including around PIK 2. Dr. Nono Sampono also hopes that with this collaboration, UT will improve human resources while utilizing the potential of natural resources around PIK 2 through various research as a university with capabilities in this field.
One of the Community Service (PkM) activities carried out by UT in 2023 is the Fostered Village Program. This program is carried out in five villages, namely: (1) Ciwaluh Village, Wates Jaya Village, Cigombong District, Bogor Regency, (2) Tegal Village, Kemang District, Bogor Regency, (3) Situ Udik Village, Cibungbulan District, Bogor Regency, (4) Tonjong Village, Tajurhalang District, Bogor Regency, and (5) Muara Village, Teluk Naga District, Tangerang Regency.

PkM activities of the Assisted Villages in each village are carried out in collaboration and integrated by all faculties. Starting from needs analysis, solution design, design, and implementation of programs are carried out by experts and lecturers according to their scientific fields, with a scientific and technological approach while still considering local wisdom. Each team consists of 5 lecturers and 2-3 students.
The benefits of the program felt by the partners were explained by lecturers from the four faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), the Faculty of Law, Social Sciences, and Political Sciences (FHISIP), the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). The presentation was not only about the continuity of the activity but also about the obstacles and challenges faced by the lecturers during the activity.
On July 1, 2023, UT held a Mass Circumcision activity titled "UT Cares for Building a Healthy Generation for Indonesia." This mass circumcision activity is a form of UT's concern to make it easier for the community to accelerate the implementation of one of the sharia of Muslims, realizing a healthier and righteous generation. This Mass Circumcision is a routine activity and is part of the event to revitalize the 39th Anniversary of Universitas Terbuka. For 2023, the event will usually be held at the UT Polyclinic in Central UT, Pondok Cabe, South Tangerang. This time, it penetrated the UT Region at the UT Serang Office.
The Director of UT Serang also reported that the number of circumcised children was 100 children. The UT Polyclinic deployed its team for the smooth and comfortable operation of children who will be circumcised.
According to UT Chancellor Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D., this mass circumcision is the first activity held at UT Regional, where this time, it was selected at UT Serang. This Mass Circumcision is focused on reaching more people in need in the Banten area. The Rector hopes that with this activity, UT will be more beneficial for Indonesian children wherever they are.
To implement the Tridharma of higher education Community Service (PkM). The D-III Taxation Study Program carried out a Community Service activity entitled "Training on Digital Content Creation Using Social Media and Tax Inclusion in Students of SMK Negeri 24 East Jakarta to Meet the Needs of the Industrial World".
By the title of PkM, the existence of this PkM activity hopes to help increase the capacity and open the horizons of SMKN 24 Jakarta students related to the creation of social content and tax awareness by synergizing with the soft skills of students needed in facing the industrial world through assistance provided by lecturers of the D-III Taxation Study Program by their fields and competencies. SMKN 24 Jakarta has five majors: Hospitality, Software Engineering, Catering, Fashion, and Tourism Business. The potential of SMKN 24 is enormous because, based on the survey results of the tracer study conducted by SMKN 24 Jakarta, most graduates are working in their fields of competence, followed by continuing their education to college and entrepreneurship.
In commemoration of National Teacher's Day in 2023, The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL I) and the XV National Scientific Meeting of Teachers (TING) by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Terbuka (FKIP-UT) with the theme Future Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching and Learning have been held.
The keynote speaker at this event was Prof. Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd. as the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) at the Ministry of Education and Culture, who also presented panelists from several countries, namely Prof. David Kaufman – Simon Fraser University, Canada, Dr. Randeep Sudan – Career Digital, Platform Specialist, ADB, Singapore, Dr. Wesley Teter – Senior Consultant for Educational Innovation and Skill Development, UNESCO, Bangkok) and Prof. Ir. Tian Belawati, M.Ed., Ph.D. – Universitas Terbuka, Distance Education expert).
In his speech, the 1st ICTL and TING XV chairman, Andi Sapta, said, "The International Conference on Teaching and Learning and the National Scientific Meeting of Teachers will be a precious platform for discussing and exchanging ideas. Through the event, brilliant views from prominent speakers shared their knowledge and insights,
Director General of GTK, Prof. Nunuk, revealed that the government's primary program for teachers is PPPK. The government is trying to ensure that ASN teachers teach all study groups and subjects in public schools. He said, "This is a major government program for educators (teachers), namely improving teacher welfare by appointing ASN PPPK, teacher professional education (PPG), teacher governance, teacher driving programs, and others". He added that the Ministry of Education and Culture ensures that the selection process runs well and helps provide supporting data for the Ministry of Finance to formulate a PPPK teacher financing policy. This includes helping teachers prepare to participate in the selection by providing independent or online training using a learning management system (LMS).
UT Palembang, through the UT Palembang Girls Association, carried out a Social Service Activity. This activity was a movement of UT Palembang students' concern for the flood disaster in Lahat Regency some time ago. By distributing assistance to victims affected by the disaster in Lahat Regency. (Monday/20/03/2023).