SDG 6 : Clean Water and Sanitation
Strangulation Model for Urban Village Areas in South Tangerang City
This research aims to develop a model for improving the urban village areas in South Tangerang City, which are facing challenges due to limited space and infrastructure. The primary objective is to create a sustainable and liveable environment that ensures better sanitation and access to clean water for residents. By addressing these critical issues, the study directly supports SDG 6, which focuses on providing the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. This model will serve as a guide for urban planning and policy development, helping to enhance the quality of life in densely populated urban villages. The Impact of Original Regional Income (PAD) and Balancing Funds on Poverty in Batu City This study analyses the impact of Local Revenue (PAD) and balanced fund transfers on poverty levels in Batu City, Indonesia. It investigates how these financial resources influence access to essential services like clean water and sanitation. Given that adequate sanitation and water access are crucial for improving public health and reducing poverty, the research links these financial aspects to the city's efforts in poverty alleviation. By exploring this relationship, the study contributes to SDG 6, which focuses on ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, ultimately aiming to reduce poverty in Batu City. Water Consumption per Person
Water Consumption Tracking: Universitas Terbuka has implemented water treatment machines designed to optimize water usage through a recycling system and wastewater treatment, reducing the consumption of fresh water and minimizing wastewater. With eco-friendly technology, these water treatment machines can filter and process water to be reused for campus operations.
Water Usage and Care Wastewater treatment
Universitas Terbuka operates a laundry business unit that focuses on providing washing services and emphasizes a commitment to environmental sustainability. One of the concrete efforts made is the treatment of wastewater generated from laundry operations. The wastewater is processed optimally to conserve water resources and support hydrological functions in the surrounding environment. The treated wastewater is then reused to fill fishponds. The presence of fish in these ponds indicates that the treated water meets quality standards and complies with health requirements. Additionally, Universitas Terbuka ensures the continuous quality of the pond water through regular laboratory testing. Thus, this laundry business provides high-quality services and contributes to sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices.
Preventing water system pollution from polluted water
At the policy level, the university environment's water utilization and usage control are regulated under Peraturan Rektor (Rector Regulation) No. 276 of 2024 about Green University.
Recommendations are also conveyed through circular letters. Another method to mitigate water pollution is regular river and lake cleaning, pinwheel aerators, and using environmentally friendly materials such as eco-friendly soap in the pantry. The aerator in the UT lake serves several functions:
- to ensure sufficient oxygen supply for aquatic organisms such as fish and microorganisms,
- inhibit excessive algae growth,
- reduce dead zones (areas with low or no oxygen) and
- help reduce the risk of mass fish deaths due to oxygen deficiency, especially at night or during hot weather.
Regular monitoring, maintenance, and preservation of aquatic biota are carried out to protect the lake's water quality from pollutants. Until now, the fish population has been well maintained in the lake.
Universitas Terbuka has two lakes: one large lake covering an area of 16,405 m2 and one smaller lake covering 643 m2. This lake serves as a flood reducer and stabilizes the water flow around the Universitas Terbuka environment. Several varieties of fish and animals are also found in the lake and surrounding environment. The preservation of the fauna is maintained by prohibiting hunting and fishing. In addition to its environmental benefits, the lake serves as a recreational facility for the academic community of Universitas Terbuka. Right in the middle of the lake, a gazebo can be used for various sports and meetings. Lake maintenance is done daily to clean it from organic waste, such as lakes and fallen branches.
Another water conservation practice is BioPore. BioPores make the soil on campus fertile, increase plant growth, and reduce standing water when it rains, preventing local flooding. UT's paving blocks have an area of 29,732 m2. Paving blocks are used in parking lots to absorb water into the ground. Green space and forest vegetation is 66,546 m2, which covers almost 37% of the total UT area. This area serves to maintain the availability of groundwater and create a cool climate.
To support sustainability practices and resource efficiency, Universitas Terbuka has adopted sensor faucet technology at several sinks across the campus. Sensor faucets, which automatically release water only when needed, offer a solution to reduce water waste and enhance usage efficiency. This technology utilizes sensors that detect hand movements under the faucet, causing the water to stop flowing as soon as there is no activity. These faucets ensure water is used only as necessary, reducing the risk of unchecked water. For instance, if someone forgets to turn off a faucet manually, the sensor will automatically stop the flow, minimizing the potential for leaks and wastage. In addition, sensor faucets improve hygiene and health, especially in high-traffic environments like campuses. Students, faculty, and staff no longer need to touch the faucet, reducing the risk of spreading bacteria or viruses often found on frequently touched surfaces. This aligns with the university’s efforts to maintain better sanitation, particularly in the post-pandemic era.
Water-conscious planting
Universitas Terbuka utilizes lake water as the primary source for irrigating plants within the campus environment. The lake water is channeled through a network of pipes connected to an automatic watering system using sprinkler water. These sprinklers are installed at several strategic points around the campus to ensure an even and efficient water distribution
across all green areas. Using lake water as an irrigation source helps maintain the sustainability of the university's gardens and landscape. It serves as a concrete step in supporting sustainability principles by reducing potable water consumption from public sources. Using the sprinkler water system, the irrigation process is carried out efficiently, on schedule, and optimally, fostering a green and healthy campus environment.
Water Re-Use
Universitas Terbuka runs a laundry service that prioritises environmental sustainability alongside its washing operations. A key initiative is the optimal treatment of wastewater produced during laundry processes. This treated water is recycled to maintain water resources and support local hydrological systems, and it's also reused to fill fishponds. The fish in these ponds indicates that the water meets the required quality and health standards. Furthermore, the university regularly tests the pond water in laboratories to ensure its continuous quality. Hence, this laundry service delivers top-notch washing services and promotes sustainable and eco-friendly practices.
Off-campus water conservation support
Universitas Terbuka supports environmental sustainability by implementing various water management strategies, including rainwater infiltration. This infiltration process involves the absorption of rainwater into the soil to maintain the water cycle balance and reduce the negative impacts of surface runoff.
Through this initiative, the university plays an active role in addressing groundwater depletion and mitigating the risk of flooding within the campus and surrounding public areas.